Artem Nekhoroshikh

PhD in Automatic control

About me

Hi, my name is Artem. Welcome to my personal webpage!

I am a PhD in the field of Automatic control. Under the joint supervision of professors Igor Furtat (ITMO University) and Wilfrid Perruquetti (Ecole Centrale de Lille) together with researchers Denis Efimov and Andrey Polyakov, I studied various problems related to the analysis and synthesis of superexponentially (e.g., finite/fixed-time or hyperexponentially) stable systems.

After my defense, I am planning to apply my knowledge in one of the following areas:
  • automation in biomechanics;
  • unmanned vehicles;
  • telesurgery.
More information about my research experience and scientific achievements can be found on pages "CV", "Publications" and "Awards". To find out what I do apart from science, visit the "Beyond science" page.

Please do not hesitate to contact me using one of the contacts given below (preferably Gmail or LinkedIn).